Doping control will include: Four (4) men and four (4) women chosen by random selection from the medal winners.

The draw is carried out in accordance with the IJF Anti-doping Rules and the IJF SOR during the competition before the start of the final block on the first competition day.

Competitors must report to the Doping Control Station immediately after signing the Notification form.

Pursuant to WADA ISTI Art. 5.4.4, prior to doping control, athletes can take part in the awarding ceremony and fulfil their press commitments or receive medical treatment if needed.

The selected competitors will be constantly accompanied by an official chaperone (appointed by the organising committee) from the time of notification until arriving at the Doping Control Station.

A person of the athletes' choice (team doctor, coach, trainer, delegation head etc.) may accompany them.

IJF keep the right to test any participating athlete beyond the above selection during an event. All additional tests are deemed in-competition tests.

At its own discretion IJF may allow Testing Authorities to conduct out out-of-competition tests as well.